The current version of the app offers the core functionality of sending money to and requesting money from other users. Payments are account-to-account and instant. When a payment is received, users can send a "reaction" to thank the payee. For unpaid requests, users can send "nudges" as reminders. User authorisation is secure through a combination of a unique PIN and passwordless verification by email.
Users can add multiple bank accounts and switch between them for payments and receiving money. A cumulative total is shown across all accounts and transactions over the past three months are also shown. Outgoing transactions can be "split" to request contributions from other users. Any transaction can be shared to other social platforms.
The app has a user search feature to support payments and payment requests. Every user has a user profile that they can customise. Their personal VibeMe link can also be shared outside the app, which links back to their profile (from which they can be paid).
Two third-party integrations are offered for streaming services StreamElements and Streamlabs. This allows donations to be made to live streamers using the app.
Over the past few months, the app has been completely restyled for improved UI and UX. This includes a "classic" and a "dark mode" UI.
The app's home screen will be redesigned to be more dynamic by introducing "channels". These will encapsulate all interactions between selected groups of users - payments, requests, reactions, nudges, etc - and leave scope for further innovation.
Payments made via the app (PIS) will also be matched to transactions received via added banks' data interface (AIS). This will allow the app to display all transactions, irrespective of origin in a single overview. Transaction sharing will then be revisited.
Attention will be given to developing a member-get-member mechanism so that existing users more actively recruit new users. Finally, integration with online retailers will be implemented to support a seamless checkout experience.
Got any ideas you want to see introduced? Talk directly to us on our community forum or via our socials.