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How QR Codes Are Quietly Changing the UK Payment Scene

June 11, 2024
5 min read

In recent years, the UK has seen a quiet revolution in its payment landscape. QR codes, once primarily associated with marketing campaigns and quick access to websites, are now at the forefront of a transformation in how people pay for goods and services. This shift is driven by the increasing adoption of Pay by Bank solutions and the broader implementation of open banking. Together, these technologies are streamlining transactions, enhancing security, and offering new levels of convenience for consumers and businesses alike.

The Rise of Pay by Bank

Traditionally, most transactions in the UK have been facilitated through credit and debit cards, cash, and digital wallets like Apple Pay and Google Wallet. However, the introduction of Pay by Bank solutions is changing this dynamic. Pay by Bank leverages the UK's open banking infrastructure to enable direct bank transfers for purchases, bypassing traditional card networks. This method offers several advantages:

  1. No Fees: Merchants can benefit from eliminating transaction fees compared to card payments, as there is no need to pay the interchange fees associated with card networks.
  2. Instant Settlement: Payments are processed in real-time, providing immediate funds to merchants and reducing cash flow issues.
  3. Enhanced Security: Customers authorise payments directly with their bank, using their banking app, which reduces the risk of fraud associated with card payments.

QR Codes at the Forefront

QR codes are an essential part of this new payment ecosystem. They act as a bridge between the consumer and the merchant, enabling seamless transactions. Here’s how QR codes are driving the change:

  1. Simple and Convenient: For consumers, using QR codes is straightforward. At checkout, they simply scan a QR code displayed by the merchant using their mobile banking app. This action generates a payment request that the consumer can review and authorise.
  2. Broad Compatibility: QR codes are platform-agnostic, meaning they work with any mobile banking app that supports open banking. This universality makes them accessible to a wide range of users.
  3. Contactless and Safe: Especially in a post-pandemic world, contactless payments have become more popular. QR codes allow for a fully contactless payment experience, enhancing hygiene and safety.

Real-World Applications and Future Trends

The impact of QR codes and open banking is already visible across various sectors in the UK:

  1. Retail: Many retailers, from small independent shops to large chains, are adopting QR code payments to offer a faster and more secure checkout experience.
  2. Hospitality: Restaurants and cafes are using QR codes for table-side payments, reducing wait times and improving customer service.
  3. Public Services: QR codes are being used to facilitate payments for public transport, parking, and other municipal services, streamlining operations and reducing costs.

Looking ahead, the integration of QR codes with other emerging technologies like digital identity verification and blockchain could further revolutionise the payment landscape. The continued development of open banking standards and their adoption across more financial institutions will likely lead to even more innovative payment solutions.


The quiet rise of QR codes in the UK payment scene signifies a broader shift towards more efficient, secure, and user-friendly financial transactions. As open banking continues to mature, and as more consumers and businesses embrace Pay by Bank options, the role of QR codes will only become more prominent. This transformation not only enhances the payment experience but also underscores the UK’s position as a leader in financial innovation. As we move forward, the humble QR code will undoubtedly play a pivotal role in shaping the future of payments.

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